General Terms of Sale

HomeGeneral Terms of Sale

General Terms of Sale

The SOCIÉTÉ CIVILE FERMIÈRE DES CHÂTEAUX LA CROIX DU BREUIL & BEAUVILLAGE, with a capital of 169 750 €, whose registered office is located at 6 Rue du Hagnac, 33340 Couquèques and registered with the RCS de Bordeaux under number 328 399 43, is engaged in the production and sale of wine. It operates the website

1. Purpose

The general terms and conditions of sale detailed below govern the contractual relations between any user of the site and SOCIÉTÉ CIVILE FERMIÈRE DES CHÂTEAUX LA CROIX DU BREUIL & BEAUVILLAGE, and set out the technical, legal and financial conditions under which the user can order the products available on this site.These general terms and conditions of sale are the only applicable and replace all other conditions, unless otherwise agreed in advance, expressly and in writing by SOCIÉTÉ CIVIL FERMIÈRE DES CHÂTEAUX LA CROIX DU BREUIL & BEAUVILLAGE. SOCIÉTÉ CIVILE FERMIÈRE DES CHÂTEAUX LA CROIX DU BREUIL & BEAUVILLAGE may from time to time be required to modify some of the provisions of its general conditions, so it is necessary that they be reviewed before each visit to the site. These amendments are enforceable from the time they are put online and cannot apply to contracts concluded previously. Each purchase on the Site is governed by the general terms and conditions applicable on the date of the order, and any order placed on this site constitutes unreserved acceptance by the user of these general terms and conditions of sale in their entirety.

2. Ordering

The user of the online sales service will be able to place an order by following the following procedure: – Browse the site and choose the products by clicking on the buttons and links provided for this purpose, this action allowing these products to be placed in an electronic “basket”. Access the “basket” to check and possibly modify its content – Click on the button “Finalize your order” which refers to an identification or account creation page – Create your account or access it if it already exists by filling in the various form fields (delivery and billing information) – Click on the button “pay” which sends to the secure online payment systemThe order is placed when the online payment system sends our server an acknowledgement of the successful completion of the secure payment transaction.The order is confirmed within 48 hours by e-mail, once it has been verified and accepted, and the SOCIÉTÉ CIVILE FERMIÈRE DES CHÂTEAUX LA CROIX DU BREUIL & BEAUVILLAGE will acknowledge receipt of the order by electronic means.

3. Product information

Information relating to the essential characteristics (article L. 111-1 of the consumer code) of the products is accessible via the hypertext link “the shop” on this site. 

4. Prices

Sales prices are indicated in euros (€), all taxes included (including VAT) and excluding delivery costs. wine prices are valid for delivery in metropolitan France only. 20% VAT is applied. the SOCIÉTÉ CIVILE FERMIÈRE DES CHÂTEAUX LA CROIX DU BREUIL & BEAUVILLAGE reserves the right to modify its prices at any time. The products ordered will be invoiced at the prices in effect at the time the order is placed. 

5. Execution of the order

The order will be executed within a maximum period of 30 days from the day following the day on which the user has transmitted his order. (article L. 121-20-3 of the Consumer Code) In the event of non-payment or refusal of authorization of payment by accredited organizations, the SOCIÉTÉ CIVILE FERMIÈRE DES CHÂTEAUX LA CROIX DU BREUIL & BEAUVILLAGE reserves the right to refuse to honour an order.The SOCIÉTÉ CIVIL FERMIÈRE DES CHÂTEAUX LA CROIX DU BREUIL & BEAUVILLAGE will retain ownership of the ordered goods until the day of their full paymentAn invoice will be established by the SOCIÉTÉ CIVIL FERMIÈRE DES CHÂTEAUX LA CROIX DU BREUIL & BEAUVILLAGE and sent to the user at his billing address.

6. Availability

In the event of a stock shortage of a vintage, SOCIÉTÉ CIVILE FERMIÈRE DES CHÂTEAUX LA CROIX DU BREUIL & BEAUVILLAGE reserves the right to offer the same product in the following vintage.the SOCIÉTÉ CIVILE FERMIÈRE DES CHÂTEAUX LA CROIX DU BREUIL & BEAUVILLAGE will inform the user.In this case, the return costs resulting from the exercise of the right of withdrawal by the user will be borne by SOCIÉTÉ CIVILE FERMIÈRE DES CHÂTEAUX LA CROIX DU BREUIL & BEAUVILLAGE and the user may obtain a refund as soon as possible and at the latest within thirty (30) days following the date of withdrawal.

7. Preparation and delivery of the order

The wines ordered on this site can be delivered in France and abroad, the order will be delivered to the address indicated by the user when ordering, the preparation and shipping costs are calculated according to the address indicated by the user when ordering.SOCIÉTÉ CIVILE FERMIÈRE DES CHÂTEAUX LA CROIX DU BREUIL & BEAUVILLAGE shall not be held liable for the non-performance or improper performance of the contract if it is attributable to the user or to the unforeseeable and insurmountable event of a third party to the contract or to a case of force majeure.(article L. 121-20-3 paragraph 5 of the Consumer Code) The delivery of the goods will be made against signature of the delivery note by the customer or his agent. SOCIÉTÉ CIVILE FERMIÈRE DES CHÂTEAUX LA CROIX DU BREUIL & BEAUVILLAGE cannot be held responsible for any damage to the package during transport.

8. Conformity

Upon receipt of the order by the user, he must check the conformity of the products delivered with his order and indicate, if necessary, without delay, on the delivery note and in handwritten form any reservations accompanied by his signature and any anomaly concerning them.Without prejudice to the applicable legal guarantees, the user must send any reservations and without delay by post to SOCIÉTÉ CIVILE FERMIÈRE DES CHÂTEAUX LA CROIX DU BREUIL & BEAUVILLAGE, 6 Rue du Hagnac, 33340 Couquèques, or by e-mail to the following address: If the guarantee of conformity is applicable to the returned product(s), all costs related to this return will be refunded by SOCIÉTÉ CIVILE FERMIÈRE DES CHÂTEAUX LA CROIX DU BREUIL & BEAUVILLAGE to the user.In the event of lack of conformity, the user may return the goods and have the price returned to him or her or keep the goods and have part of the price returned, unless the lack of conformity is minor. (article L. 211-12 of the Consumer Code)- The user benefits from the legal provisions of the guarantee against hidden defects. However, SOCIÉTÉ CIVILE FERMIÈRE DES CHÂTEAUX LA CROIX DU BREUIL & BEAUVILLAGE reserves the right to assess the wine in question itself. In this case, the user is asked to leave the wine at the disposal of the SOCIÉTÉ CIVILE FERMIÈRE DES CHÂTEAUX LA CROIX DU BREUIL & BEAUVILLAGE, which will collect it at its own expense.

9. Secure payment

The payment of products ordered from SOCIÉTÉ CIVILE FERMIÈRE DES CHÂTEAUX LA CROIX DU BREUIL & BEAUVILLAGE on the website is made in full with the order and in euros.Payment is made by credit card via the bank’s proprietary system (secure online payment) and in the event of non-payment or refusal of payment authorisation by accredited organisations, SOCIÉTÉ CIVILE FERMIÈRE DES CHÂTEAUX LA CROIX DU BREUIL & BEAUVILLAGE reserves the right to refuse to honour an order.

10. Right of withdrawal

The user has a withdrawal period of seven (7) clear days from the receipt of his order pursuant to Article L. 121-20 of the Consumer Code. Within this period, the user may return at these costs the item delivered, for exchange or refund, in good condition and in its original packaging with the original invoice. The user will inform the SOCIÉTÉ CIVIL FERMIÈRE DES CHÂTEAUX LA CROIX DU BREUIL & BEAUVILLAGE of his decision by email to the following address: before returning the goods. The SOCIÉTÉ CIVIL FERMIÈRE DES CHÂTEAUX LA CROUX DU BREUIL & BEAUVILLAGE will refund the user as soon as possible and at the latest within thirty (30) days following the withdrawal date.

11. Protection of minors

The buyer undertakes, by ticking the appropriate box on the order form, to be 18 years old on the date of the order. 12. LiabilityThe SOCIÉTÉ CIVILE FERMIÈRE DES CHÂTEAUX LA CROUX DU BREUIL & BEAUVILLAGE shall not be held liable for failure to perform the contract concluded in the event of force majeure or fortuitous circumstances, in particular disruption or strike, whether total or partial, in particular postal services and any other means of transport or communication or due to an unforeseeable or insurmountable third party, or in the event of the user’s fault, in particular errors in entering contact details or any other incomplete or erroneous information transmitted by the user via this site.

13. Photography and illustration

The photographs and illustrations appearing on the site have an illustrative value and do not fall within the scope of the contract. The SOCIÉTÉ CIVILE FERMIÈRE DES CHÂTEAUX LA CROIX DU BREUIL & BEAUVILLAGE cannot be held liable for any lack of conformity between the photographs and/or illustrations on the site.

14. Intellectual property rights

The general structure of this site and all the content published on this site (images, photographs, logos, trademarks, etc.) are protected by the legislation in force in France in terms of intellectual property and by the international legislation in force. all reproduction rights are reserved.

Photographs and Graphics: Vinopixo / Terraveis

Without the express authorisation of SOCIÉTÉ CIVILE FERMIÈRE DES CHÂTEAUX LA CROIX DU BREUIL & BEAUVILLAGE and the site designer, it is strictly forbidden to use the content of this site and in particular to reproduce, represent, modify or adapt it in whole or in part. 

15. Protection of personal data

The SOCIÉTÉ CIVILE FERMIÈRE DES CHÂTEAUX LA CROUX DU BREUIL & BEAUVILLAGE undertakes to ensure that the collection and processing of personal data within this site is carried out in accordance with Law No. 78-17 of 6 January 1978 known as the “Loi Informatique et Libertés”. The site has been declared to the Commission Nationale de l’Informatique et des Libertés (CNIL) under the number. 

16. Applicable law

Regardless of the nationality of the user, this contract, its annexes and any amendments are subject to French law to the exclusion of any text of foreign law, even if designated by a rule of conflict of international law. Any disputes that may arise in the performance of this contract shall be brought before the competent French court.



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